A business panel and network meeting at the Greengate Hotel in Killara organised by the Kuring-gai Chamber of Commerce. We caught the whole event on multiple cameras and edited it to provide the 1hr 50min online for the Chamber of Commerce.
See the full presentation – Business Insights

A professional marketing conferance held at Burwood RSL this is just a sample of some of the presenter. Our role was to recoed and edit the event for an online presentation.
See the full presentation – PSMC

We were asked to provide some timelapse presentations of and entire 3 day conference plus setup and packdown all up eight days to use as social media uploads and provide footage for the internal production.

Delottes wanted to put a weekly tv show idea up online we provided cameras, lighting and branded editing and did a number of shows for them, this is just one sample.

In 2021 we were approached by Corinium Global Intellegence – Oceania during the pandemic to provide editing services for their online conferences around the world due to the massive pandemic lockdowns. We have since edited over 30 single and double day online virtual conferences for Corinium (https://www.coriniumintelligence.com/).
Latest 2024 version – CISO FSI Online ANZ 2024

Another Delottes project requiring a couple of cameras, lighting and branded editing